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Safety of Tea

phoenix dan cong oolong
Pesticide Status of Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong

One of the very important criteria we select tea is the safety. In particular, we care a lot on the pesticide. There are some tips I would like to share abut the pesticide status on Phoenix oolong. Official importing procedure to Japan Usually it is the must to conduct pesticide analysis if we officially import …

Organic tea is safe, but not sufficient

  It’s often claimed that the organic tea is good for health and it should be delicious. It’s generally said that organic tea is safer as it’s produced using methods of organic farming that do not uses chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Nonetheless, “safe” is not equalled to “good for health” and “delicious”.   Tea contains …

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New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …
New Release of Anxi Traditional Oolong
Anxi, located in Fujian province, China, is celebrated for its Tie Guan Yin tea. However, the Traditional Anxi Oolong from this region boasts a unique fruity aroma, distinguishing it from Tie Guan Yin. Anxi: A Renowned Hub for Oolong Tea Production in China Fujian Province, renowned for its rich tea heritage, boasts several prominent tea-producing …

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