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Non Fermented Tea

New Release of Tsukigase Asamomi Sencha 2017

We just released Tsukigase Asamomi Sencha as one of our latest Japanese tea lineups. This tea is produced from the complete natural farming garden which no nitrogen fertilizer and no pesticide is used. In Japanese, Asamomi means light rolling. Thanks to the light rolling, this tea can be brewed more times than ordinary Japanese green …

The New Release of Tsukigase Asamomi Sencha

Most of the Japanese green teas have undergone intensive rolling process to make it into needle shape, and in general it becomes one of the key characteristics of Japanese green tea. We developed a Japanese green tea that undergone very light rolling. We named it as Tsukigase Asamomi Sencha. In Japanese, “Asamomi” means light rolling. …

What is the difference between raw pu-erh and green tea?

Some people often confused between raw pu-erh and green tea. The appearance of these teas looks similar indeed. Actually, the process of making these two teas are exactly the same, the different is merely the drying method: green tea is dried with hot air dryer while raw pu-erh tea is dried by sunshine. The tea …

Do you prefer tea leaf to be rolled tighter or softer?

In making teas, most of the teas will undergo rolling process, except some white tea and green tea. The rolling means rubbing or crumpling the tealeaf. Some tea manufacturers use machine to roll the tealeaf, while some people use their hands to roll. I would like to explain the purpose of rolling, and how the …

The role of stem in tea

Did you know the stem of tea is an important factor that affects the taste of tea? Japanese green tea is usually made of 1 bud and 2 leaves where the aracha (or mao-cha in Chinese, means the crude tea right after the process) contains noticeable amounts of stems. However, the stems are removed during …

Finding good green tea to produce quality jasmine pearl

Jasmine tea is one of the very important teas in our lineup. Many people may think that Jasmine flower plays an important role in Jasmine tea. Nevertheless, the most important element in Jasmine tea is the base green tea. I have visited Fujian province to search for the ideal green tea In this early spring, …

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New Release of Da Xue Shan Wild White Tea 2024
 We have released the 2024 Da Xue Shan Wild White Tea Loose Leaf. This tea was produced under our direct supervision during our stay in Yunnan Province, ensuring meticulous production management on site. Definition of Wild Tea in Yunnan Province People in Yunnan strongly associate Camellia taliensis with wild tea, regardless of where it is …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …

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