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Banko Teapot

Selecting Suitable Clay for Japanese Green Tea

I would like to explain the points on how to choose the right type of clay teapot for a Japanese green tea. The taste alteration by various clay teapots The taste of tea will noticeably change depending on the type of clay we use. The outcome in the taste alteration using a clay teapot is …

Selecting Suitable Clay for Japanese Green Tea

I would like to explain the points on how to choose the right type of clay teapot for a Japanese green tea. The taste alteration by various clay teapots The taste of tea will noticeably change depending on the type of clay we use. The outcome in the taste alteration using a clay teapot is …

The combination of different type of clay often gives negative effect

We usually do not suggest combining two or more clay tea ware of different types of material. There are more negative effects when different types of clay are combined There are some people who love to incorporate different types of clay ware just like the way we coordinate fashion. However, the combination of different clay …

Selecting teapot and lens has something in common

It is often mentioned that a clay teapot creates a mellower taste in a tea. However, the description of “mellow” somehow is not specific enough to describe the taste. In fact, a clay teapot will modify either body or aftertaste, and sometimes both; but some poor quality clay reduces both aftertaste and body. It is …

Are not you choosing teapot just by color?

The colour and texture of the teapot varies a lot, where the same clay could turn red, purple or black based on just the firing technique. In addition, the use of different firing techniques not only changes the colour of clay, but also the taste and flavour of the tea when it is brewed. Therefore, …

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New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …
New Release of Anxi Traditional Oolong
Anxi, located in Fujian province, China, is celebrated for its Tie Guan Yin tea. However, the Traditional Anxi Oolong from this region boasts a unique fruity aroma, distinguishing it from Tie Guan Yin. Anxi: A Renowned Hub for Oolong Tea Production in China Fujian Province, renowned for its rich tea heritage, boasts several prominent tea-producing …

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