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Age of Tea Tree

Limited Release of Yunnan 10 Years Vintage Black Tea 2010

We release 10-year vintage Yunnan black tea. This tea was produced in 2010 and aged in Yunnan for 8 years in aerobic storage. We bought this year in 2018, and it has been aged in Japan and Malaysia for two years in anoxic storage condition. The production area is very near to the Myanmar border …

Seeking for Limited Tea Only Available in May

We arrived Yunnan in March and have been staying for more than one month. In Lincang, spring tea starts around 20th of March. On the other hand, certain teas only available for the first plucking in May. As much people cherish the earliest fresh tea of the year, little people know that the higher the …

The Field Report of Yunnan Tea in 2018

I have been staying in Yunnan since 31st of March. I have visited a few mountains to survey the condition of many tea gardens, and I have met my tea manufacturers to gather the first-hand information of 2018 tea. The altitude is very important element for quality We are now staying in a town located …

What is “Lao Cong” Phoenix Dong Cong Oolong?

The Phoenix oolong tea is often called as Phoenix Dan Cong oolong Tea. The “Dan Cong” means a single tea tree, and Dan Cong oolong means that tea is produced from the selected tea trees. Usually, the manufacturers do not make a single batch out of one tea tree; they combine a few tea trees …

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New Release of Da Xue Shan Wild White Tea 2024
 We have released the 2024 Da Xue Shan Wild White Tea Loose Leaf. This tea was produced under our direct supervision during our stay in Yunnan Province, ensuring meticulous production management on site. Definition of Wild Tea in Yunnan Province People in Yunnan strongly associate Camellia taliensis with wild tea, regardless of where it is …
New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …

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