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Factors that affects tea quality

New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl

Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …

In Search of Wild Tea: Exploring Mountain Villages in Southwest Lincang, Yunnan

We are currently sourcing tea in the southwestern part of Lincang City, Yunnan Province. One of the crucial products for us is wild tea. While tea processing is important, securing the raw materials poses the biggest challenge. Recently, we received information about a new location where wild tea supposedly grows. To verify this, we visited …

The Relationship Between Greenness of Tea Leaves and Fertilizer

For both tea and vegetables, there’s a common misconception that a deeper green colour indicates better quality and greater health benefits. However, this isn’t always the case. Natural plants often have a yellowish-green hue rather than a vibrant green. If you observe wild plants in grasslands or along roadsides during spring, you’ll notice that they …

Limited Release of Yunnan 10 Years Vintage Black Tea 2010

We release 10-year vintage Yunnan black tea. This tea was produced in 2010 and aged in Yunnan for 8 years in aerobic storage. We bought this year in 2018, and it has been aged in Japan and Malaysia for two years in anoxic storage condition. The production area is very near to the Myanmar border …

Amazing difference between seedling tea and cultivated tea

Do you know that tea is divided into two groups: cultivated tea propagated by cuttings, and seedling tea grown from seed?There is actually a big difference between cultivated tea and seedling tea. What is Cultivar? The cultivated tea refers to tea with a name of specific cultivar, such as Yabukita, Benifuki, Okumidori, Tie Guan Yin, …

Do you know that organic tea does not mean healthy?

Have you ever heard about sustainable tea garden? It means tea garden is independent from human and being able to continue to propagate as part of ecology. Every year we spend nearly two months in Yunnan for sourcing tea. We make sure that all of our Yunnan teas are from the sustainable tea garden. The …

Seeking for Limited Tea Only Available in May

We arrived Yunnan in March and have been staying for more than one month. In Lincang, spring tea starts around 20th of March. On the other hand, certain teas only available for the first plucking in May. As much people cherish the earliest fresh tea of the year, little people know that the higher the …

The Field Report of Yunnan Tea in 2018

I have been staying in Yunnan since 31st of March. I have visited a few mountains to survey the condition of many tea gardens, and I have met my tea manufacturers to gather the first-hand information of 2018 tea. The altitude is very important element for quality We are now staying in a town located …

New Release of High Mountain Purple Black Tea

We have released High Mountain Purple Black Tea. It is made from the wild tea variety called Zi cha (purple tea in Chinese). A very rare tea even in Yunnan Among the pu-erh tea lovers, it is well-known that the purple tea is originated from Nan Nuo Shan (南糯山) in South Yunnan. Its leaves are …


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New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …
New Release of Anxi Traditional Oolong
Anxi, located in Fujian province, China, is celebrated for its Tie Guan Yin tea. However, the Traditional Anxi Oolong from this region boasts a unique fruity aroma, distinguishing it from Tie Guan Yin. Anxi: A Renowned Hub for Oolong Tea Production in China Fujian Province, renowned for its rich tea heritage, boasts several prominent tea-producing …

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