Tea Column

The Difference Between Fermentation in Tea and Fermented Foods

Black tea and oolong tea are often categorized as “fermented teas,” but the extent to which they undergo fermentation raises questions about whether they truly qualify as fermented foods. In this article, I endeavour to offer a thorough exploration of the distinctions between tea and traditional fermented foods, shedding light on the nuances of their …

Regular Consumption of Umami Seasoning Can Influence Taste Preferences

Excessive consumption of artificial condiments, such as umami seasonings, is believed to influence one’s taste and preferences. I’d like to share my own view to explore how an overabundance of condiments can indeed influence one’s palate. Umami Seasonings Are Prevalent in Asian Countries I spend half of the year living abroad, particularly in China and …

Hidden Costs of High Valuations of Old Tea Trees

Over the past decade, tea enthusiasts in China have been captivated by teas harvested from Ancient Tea trees, particularly those from Yunnan province, Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong Tea and Wuyi Rock Tea. However, as Ancient Tea trees are rare, the prices of teas harvested from them have skyrocketed. As a result, some farmers who possess …

Easy way to understand the scientific name of tea

Tea is made of the plant called Camellia sinensis. But as you know, it is further classified into various types such as Assam, Yabukita, Tie Guan Yin, Shui Xian or China bush. Are these types considered as species or cultivar? I would like to explain the rules that classify the type of tea variety. There …

The Mystery Tea Bought in China Often Taste Different at Home

There is a difference between the tea brought back from China and when it was tasted back there. There are many people who had bought teas from China during their trip, often mentioned that the quality of tea they brought back is not the same as the ones they’ve tried while in China. They also …

Visiting Sado Island in Winter

I visited Sado Island to meet our potters, Watanabe Tozo and Shimizu Ken. This Island is situated in the north of Niigata prefecture where it was formed by submarine volcanos. For me, to get to Sado Island is like travelling overseas because it takes me 6 hours from my hometown, travelling by car and also …

The unexpected reason why the tea with milk is popular

Majority of customers who visit my shop usually drink their tea without the addition of milk and sugar. However, there are quite a number of people who love to drink tea with milk. The tea book often explains that the milk proteins conjugate with the tea tannins and therefore the taste of black tea becomes …

Why do elderly people miss the tea they drunk before?

The elderly people sometimes mentioned that the tea they used to drink when they were young was much nicer. Some people may assume that it is just their nostalgic sentimentality. Somehow I do believe in what they say and would like to share some information. The usage of nitrogen fertilizers have increased 12 times since …

The earlier the plucking does not mean the better the quality is

Traditionally, it is widely believed that Japanese green tea plucked on the Hachijyuhachi Ya (八十八夜) should be the best quality. Hachijyuhachi Ya , known to be “ the 88th Night” usually landed in the 1st week of May. Japanese people used to say that we could live longer if we drank the tea plucked on …

The Bee God Tree in Mang Jing

I had the opportunity to enjoy the sight of nature’s great creation in Mang Jing which is a small village located near the borders to Myanmar and about 2-3 hours from Meng Hai. On that special day, I followed a farmer’s family to learn their way of tea plucking and tea processing. They told us …


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HOJO TEA Online Shop NEWSlist

New Release of Wild Pu-erh Jasmine Pearl
Out of curiosity, we decided to create a jasmine tea based on Da Xue Shan Wild Raw Tea. This resulted in an exceptionally rare tea, not only in Japan but also in China. Custom Production Network for Jasmine Tea At our store, we source various types of base teas from different regions during the spring. …
New Release of Anxi Traditional Oolong
Anxi, located in Fujian province, China, is celebrated for its Tie Guan Yin tea. However, the Traditional Anxi Oolong from this region boasts a unique fruity aroma, distinguishing it from Tie Guan Yin. Anxi: A Renowned Hub for Oolong Tea Production in China Fujian Province, renowned for its rich tea heritage, boasts several prominent tea-producing …

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